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Long Lost Swedish Blue
A rare blue stone whose beauty rivals that of turquoise or larimar, found in secret localities deep in the forest of Sweden.

Pietersite – Tempest in a Stone
Pietersite is a beautiful stone: distinctive, rare, and unique - no two are alike. It is an ideal gemstone for those who embrace their originality.

Ammolite - A Star of the Canadian Cretaceous
As a geologist who’s worked in Calgary how could I not love ammolite - a stunning rainbow-colored gem derived from fossilized ammonite shells? The best material is found only in Alberta, Canada - it’s rare, beautiful, geologically meaningful, and stunning!

Malachite - A Human History Gem
A vivid to dark green color catches your eye. Beautifully banded in pastel to deeply saturated green to maybe a bit of bluish green. Once you’ve seen it, you never forget it. Just about everyone recognizes this distinctive gemstone – malachite! This gemstone has been an important part of human history and lead to the end of the Stone Age! Come see what else you didn't know about this intriguing gemstone!